Friday, November 11, 2011

Arriving Into Florence (kris)

Wow what a first day into Florence. You land at the train traction and you are in the heart of things. Easy to get overwhelmed and lose your way. Lucky we happened upon the right direction and found a tourist information office across from the train station.

And then we made our way toward the best western duomo. I had no idea of what to expect but found that I was pleasantly surprised. Small, but quaint and the hotel is efficient and do friendly. Like you can't turn on lights unless you place your hotel key card in a special slot. When you leave your lights go off upon taking the key.

The best thing about this hotel? You are within an earshot of the duomo and the campanile. And once we unpacked, we didn't hesitate to tackle the duomo. We had been warned of long lines but found none! Love that we came during off tourist season!

So it is of course beautiful. The frescoes and the detailed carvings in stone struck me. We walked along quietly in awe. It didn't hit me that we could actually see a close up of the dome until we saw a sign charging 8 euros per person. Hey why not? Who knew why I would be getting myself into!!! It had to be at least 1,000 steps STEEP steps! NARROW steps. WINDY steps. I know I'm a wuss when it comes to things like that but it was more because I was mentally unprepared! Comfy shoes are a must here people.

I was breathing hard going up the steps. And I was getting claustrophobic. But I wasn't the only one! That last pic was where everyone had to exit to reach the top. Every single person coming out of that tiny hole was out of breath. But it was worth it. Really!

The photos above we're from the top looking all around. But we even got to see closeups of the inside that you'll see in the pics below.

So what does one do after walking up and down all those steps? Reward oneself with gelato of course! And eat that gelato in front of all places BEN AND JERRY'S!

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